Letterpress broadside printed on a Thorpe platen press in an edition of 100. Made on the occasion of a performance of Mary Walling Blackburn’s 2 of 24 Psychoanalytic Acts: Therapy for The End, which took place Sunday, May 18 at 5 a.m. at the Gowanus boat launch, Brooklyn, NY.

Checklist [apocalyptic ecology]
Mary Walling Blackburn
December 1969
About the Author
Mary Walling Blackburn is a writer and artist who works in New York City. Now her work handles and is handled by optics (the lazy eye ), diagrams (contaminated logics), and Miscreant Class (politics); all is amputated/shaped by the Capitalocene. Questions Perversas: Anhoek Record Examination, co-written with Beatriz E. Balanta, is Walling Blackburn’s first book (Spring 2017).Walling Blackburn’s work and writing have been featured in publications including Afterall, BOMB, Cabinet, e-flux Journal and Grafter’s Quarterly. rnrnShe is the founder of the Anhoek School, a pedagogical experiment, in Brooklyn, NY, and WMYN, a pirate feminist radio station. She has participated in numerous group exhibitions and events both nationally and internationally, at venues including the New Museum, New York, St. Mark’s Poetry Project, New York; Art in General, New York; SculptureCenter, New York; the Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, New York; the Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, Annandale-On-Hudson, NY; Tate Modern, London; 1a space, Kowloon, Hong Kong; Centre Pompidou, Paris; the Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts and Southern Exposure, San Francisco. rn
Publication Details
Print/Ephemera, Special Edition
1 pp, 10.5 x 10.5 in
Publication Date: December 31 1969
Distribution: Direct Only