...Chinese Sun launches a fresh assault...on the world of prose...
Jerome Rothenberg

Chinese Sun
Arkadii Dragomoshchenko
Translated by Evgeny Pavlov
January 2005
Eastern European Poets Series #9.
About the Author
Arkadii Dragomoshchenko (1946–2012) was a poet, essayist, and translator who was born in Potsdam, Germany in 1946 and grew up in Vinnitsa, Ukraine. He lived and worked in St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad), Russia since 1969. His writing earned him a reputation as the representative figure of Language poetry in Russia.
Dragomoshchenko’s poetry was first introduced to American audiences in the volumes Description and Xenia, translated by Lyn Hejinian and published by Sun & Moon Press in the 1990s. He also authored Chinese Sun, published in 2005 by Ugly Duckling Presse, and the prose collection Dust (Dalkey Archive Press, 2005).
C.D. Wright has said of his work, “This is poetry. Immodest. Magisterial. More or less impenetrable. The relation of language is potential but not improvisational.” About Dust, Lyn Hejinian wrote, “Full of vitality as well as profundity, and resonating with something I can only term friendship, these meditations/memoirs belong to the great tradition of metaphysical prose, alongside the works of Nietzsche, Shklovsky, Kierkegaard, and Toufic.”
Arkadii Dragomoschenko came to us first as a samizdat/underground poet, his lines & gestures signaling an opening to new discoveries & freedoms in what had been the closed world of the Soviet superstate. That freedom as a poet resided squarely in the heart of his poetry—its language & form serving as the conduits for thoughts & realities previously obscured. Now, in Chinese Sun, he launches a fresh assault, this time on the world of prose—a poet's reconfiguration (transformation) of the novel & a work that crosses open borders as a gift to all of us.
Jerome Rothenberg
About the Translator
Publication Details
ISBN: 978-1-933254-04-3
Trade Paperback
Perfect-bound. 328 pp, 4.5 x 6 in
Publication Date: January 01 2005
Distribution: SPD
Series: Eastern European Poets Series #9