Emergency INDEX: An Annual Document of Performance Practice, Vol. 4

Emergency INDEX Contributors

Edited by Yelena Gluzman, Sophia Cleary, Katie Gaydos


November 2015

A bible of performance art activity.

Martha Wilson

Use discount code HISTORYNOW to order Emergency INDEX, Vol. 4 for $15. The discount is available until November 18.

The pages of Emergency INDEX are open to all who work with performance. In each annual volume, contributors document works made in the previous year. By including performances regardless of their country of origin, genre, aims, or popularity, INDEX reveals the breathtaking variety of practices used in performance work today. Each volume features a comprehensive index of key terms used by contributors in describing and discussing their own work. Begun in 2011, INDEX is a lens for seeing the field of contemporary performance from the ground up.

About the Author

For a list of contributors and more information for each volume, see the Emergency INDEX website here.

If you have a performance venue you may wish to become a Partner Organization and share INDEX with your colleagues; please email emergency@uglyducklingpresse.org for more information.


This is a bible of performance art activity. And if you are, like I am, a believer in performance art and the value of this ephemeral art activity to change the hearts and minds and consciousness of people, then you need to have this bible in your life. The end.

Martha Wilson

We've been seeing performance art materialize around us, but without feeling that there was a context for such ideas. Artists have been doing such pieces for a long time without much recognition that in fact their ideas are related. Now, with Emergency INDEX, we get the sense of a magical secret shared among many artists. Emergency INDEX is a profoundly important publication. It guides us to a new place.

Robert Ashley

About the Editor

Yelena Gluzman is a founding member of Ugly Duckling Presse where she is the editor of the Paperless Book Department, curates the Emergency Playscript series, and co-edits Emergency INDEX. Initially studying and working in neuroscience, Yelena began making theater works in 1997 as a continuation of her interest in the mechanisms underlying human behavior. Since 1999, under the initiative called Science Project, Yelena conducts research, makes theater works, performance art works, and site-specific social experiments. In New York, she has shown her works at The Performing Garage, Theater for a New City, the Old American Can Factory, The Collapsable Hole, the Prelude Festival, etc.

Sophia Cleary is a performer and choreographer. She curates the Rehearsal series. She co-edits Emergency INDEX.


Katie Gaydos is a Brooklyn-based dance artist and writer. Since graduating from UC Berkeley, she has danced with Yannis Adoniou’s KUNST-STOFF, Robert Moses’s Kin Dance, and most recently with performance artist Madeline Hollander. Katie has performed her own choreography at KUNST-STOFF Arts (San Francisco), Triskelion Arts (Brooklyn), and the Bushwick Art Book and Zine Fair at SIGNAL Gallery. Her writing appears in The Daily Californian, The San Francisco Bay Guardian, In Dance, and on the blog, Culturebot. She works for Joseph Logan Design and co-edits Emergency INDEX.rn


INDEX history and the release of INDEX 6 at the Kitchen, in whitehot magazine.

Yelena Guzman on editing Emergency INDEX, in Contemporary Theater Review.



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Publication Details

Trade Paperback
Perfect-bound. 448 pp, 6.25 x 8.25 in
Publication Date: November 01 2015
Distribution: SPD
Series: Emergency INDEX #4