A steamroller was left in the middle of the road,
to be eaten by the sun and the rust—all alone
among the poppies, the nettles, the weeds.
But they had walked with flags and drums.
Peasants with pickaxes dug the road.
This steamroller that was supposed to open the road
now blocks the way. No crickets can be heard.
Or maybe it was left here as a barricade?
Ἕνας ὁδοστρωτήρας ἔμεινε καταμεσὶς τοῦ δρόμου,
νὰ τὸν τρώει ὁ ἥλιος κ’ ἡ σκουριὰ – καταμόναχος
ἀνάμεσα στὶς παπαροῦνες, τὶς τσουκνίδες, τ’ ἀγριόχορτα.
Κι ὅμως ἐδῶ εἶχαν περπατήσει μὲ σημαῖες καὶ τύμπανα.
Οἱ χωρικοὶ μὲ τὶς αξίνες σκάϐαν τὸ δρόμο.
Τοῦτος ὁ ὁδοστρωτήρας ποὺ εἴτανε ν’ ἀνοίξει τὸ δρόμο,
φράζει τώρα τὸ πέρασμα. Δὲν ἀκούγονται μήτε τὰ τζιτζίκια.
Ἢ μήπως ἔμεινε ἐδῶ πέρα γιὰ ὁδόφραγμα;