The poems are roiling with lifeforce.
Forrest Gander

Fire Wind
Yván Yauri
Translated by Nicholas Rattner, Marta del Pozo
January 2011
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A translation of Peruvian poet Yván Yauri’s Viento de fuego, his second book of poems and the first of his work to appear in English. Yauri’s poetics stem from the tradition of the Latin American avant-garde, and he maintains his activism in the ranks of the contemporary Marxist-Trotskyites.
About the Author
Yván Yauri was born in 1963 in the small city of Quillabamba (“Plain of the Moon” in Quechua) in the Cusco region of Peru. In 1984 he moved to Europe, residing mainly in Spain where he worked as a street vendor until 1997. Back in Peru, he participated actively in the popular movement that brought about the end of the Fujimori regime (2000). Since then he has directed several magazine and radio programs, events, and cultural groups in the cities of Cusco and Lima, and has participated as a founding member in the Writer’s Guild of Peru. His books are: Rastro (1998), Viento de fuego (2007), Reapertura del sumario (2007), and Saga errante (2009). His poetry pays tribute to the Latin American avant-garde of the last century, César Vallejo being the decisive influence. He currently lives in the Wanchaq district in the city of Cusco.
About the Translators
Nicholas Rattner lives in Shutesbury, Massachusetts.
Marta del Pozo holds a PhD in Spanish literature from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and an MFA in creative writing from NYU. She was awarded the poetry accésit for La memoria del pez, the Antonio Gala poetry prize for Hambre de imágenes and the Iberoamerican Poetry Award Entreversos for Nigredo. She is also the author of Escuela de geómetras. rnShe has co-translated into English Yván Yauri’s Viento de Fuego (Ugly Duckling Presse), as well as translated into Spanish James Joyce’s The Dead, Richard Jackson’s Resonance, and Robert Bringhurst’s The Beauty of the Weapons. She is an Assistant Professor at the department of Foreign Languages at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth and the founding editor at Quantum Prose, New York.
In the News
Publication Details
ISBN: 978-1-933254-76-0
Trade Paperback
Perfect-bound. 80 pp, 5.375 x 7.75 in
Publication Date: January 28 2011
Distribution: SPD