Flying Over the Fence with Amadou Diallo

Julien Poirier

POETRY  | $.25

March 2000
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One of the first official chapbook publications of the UDP Collective, Flying Over the Fence with Amadou Diallo sold for 25 cents a copy. The poem was written after four NYC policemen in plain clothes shot Diallo, a young unarmed immigrant, 41 times on the stoop of his apartment building in the Bronx—and walked free. Once the rubber-band binding had been removed, the book was ingeniously designed to be shoved up Rudolph Giuliani’s right nostril with the broken handle of a peepshow mop (included in cover price).

Edition of 200.

Cover and illustrations by the author.

About the Author

Julien Poirier was a founding member of Ugly Duckling Presse, where he co-edited the first seven issues of 6×6 and edited New York Nights newspaper from 2001 to 2006. He lives in California with his wife and daughters.

Publication Details

Saddle-Stitched. 16 pp, 4.25 x 5.25 in
Publication Date: March 01 2000
Distribution: Direct Only