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I’ll Calm the Horses
Tone Skrjanec
Translated by Ana Pepelnik
November 2010
About the Author
Tone Skrjanec was born in Ljubljana in 1953 and graduated in sociology from the University of Ljubljana. He had worked as a teacher and journalist before becoming program and poetry events co-ordinator at the France Preaeren Cultural Centre in Ljubljana in 1990. Apart from writing poetry, Tone Skrjanec also translates poems and novels from English, Croatian and Serbian (Goran I. Jankovic, Tatjana Gromaca, and Delimir Resicki for example), reserving special attention for modern American literature (Paul Bowles, William S. Burroughs, Charles Bukowski, Gary Snyder, Frank O’Hara and Timothy Liu).
About the Translator
lives in Ljubljana. She studied Comparative Literature and Theory of Literature at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Ljubljana. She works as a presenter for the independent radio station Radio Študent and takes part in music-poetry performances. Her poems have been published in the journals of Literatura and Dialogi. Her first book of poetry Ena od variant kako ravnati s skrivnostjo (One Way to Treat a Secret) was published by LUD Literatura in the Prišleki series; her second book, Utrip oranžnih luči na semaforjih came out in spring 2009. Her translations of poetry into Slovene include the following: Elizabeth Bishop, James M. Schuyler, Matthew Zapruder (American Linden; Šerpa 2008), Joshua Beckman, Noelle Kocot, and Matthew Rohrer, but she also translates into English.
Publication Details
Hand-bound. 24 pp, 7.25 x 5.5 in
Publication Date: November 01 2010