Landscapes of Fire and Music
G. L. Ford
January 2004
From Landscapes of Fire and Music:
I have been sifting cellar earth
for signs of you,
blunting my fingers with prizing up flatstones
for clues you never buried:
splinters of gold
from your splinter-light eyes
or the wings you plucked
from the heart of words
you could not say.
The poetry in this book is phenomenal.
Rust Belt Jessie blog
Landscapes of Fire and Music collects poems Ford wrote in Berkeley, CA, between 1996 and 2000.
About the Author
G. L. Ford was a founding member of the Ugly Duckling Presse collective and a founding editor of 6×6. His poems have appeared in The Brooklyn Review and LVNG, among others. Chapbooks of his work have been published by UDP and Cy Gist Press. He resides in Harlem.
The poetry in this book is phenomenal. I read it in a motel room in Minneapolis; I’d just had my heart broken and was in Minneapolis by myself, trying to escape the ghosts, and a lot of the poems in here are about ghosts, in one way or another. I read it, then wrote a poem that is still one of my favorites I’ve ever written; the next day, I hopped a train for the very first time.
Rust Belt Jessie blog
Landscapes of Fire and Music is incredible. . . . I loved . . . the little moments that felt as great as Hughes' best work—or even Seamus Heaney.
LitNav blog
Other UDP titles from G. L. Ford here
Landscape of Fire and Music Review
Landscape of Fire and Music Review on LitNav
Publication Details
Trade Paperback
Hand-bound. 38 pp, 10 x 8.5 in
Publication Date: January 01 2004
Distribution: Direct Only