Moby K. Dick

Noel Black

Will Yackulic, Illustrator

POETRY  |  $30

January 2011
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I’m pretty sure I’m not cool enough for this book.

Sally McCallum

Moby K. Dick is a chapbook of poems with full-color collages by Noel Black and Will Yackulic, printed as a fundraiser for Noel Black’s Uselysses in a limited edition limited of 75 copies.

Available for page-by-page viewing online in our chapbook archive here.

About the Author

Noel Black lives in Colorado Springs with his wife, artist Marina Eckler, and their son Ursen. Co-founder with Ed Berrigan of LOG Magazine and publisher of Angry Dog Midget Editions in the late 1990s, he has since worked as a writer and producer for a wide variety of media outlets including The Stranger and WNYC. He currently works as a producer for KRCC public radio. He is the author of half-a-dozen chapbooks including Hulktrans (Owl Press) and In The City of Word People (Blue Press, 2008).

About the Contributor

Will Yackulic is an artist living in Brooklyn, NY.  He has collaborated with many poets, including Noel Black, Eddie Berrigan, and Julien Poirier.

Publication Details

44 pp, 6.75 x 10.75 in
Publication Date: January 01 2011