[the poems] ride on subtle mild currents that can turn unexpectedly into eddies of grace
Ann Lauterbach

Moving Blanket (Special Edition)
Kostas Anagnopoulos
March 2010
The first full length book of poetry by Kostas Anagnopoulos, offers a dislocated sense of movement as an entry point into the instability of daily life. Moving Blanket features poems that the New York Times described as ones which “aren’t closed systems but seem to be seeking an iPad or a Droid to infiltrate.” As the writing weaves between prosaic and dreamlike, the poems allude to a collage wrought with juxtaposed images reflective of the experience of our currently fractured reality.
This is the special edition of Moving Blanket, which includes a signed and numbered copy of the book plus a letterpress broadside of an uncollected poem, numbered and signed by the author.
For the First Edition book click here.
About the Author
Kostas Anagnopoulos is the founding editor of Insurance Editions, and his chapbooks include Daydream, Irritant, and Various Sex Acts. A new chapbook, Some of My Reasons, is forthcoming from Insurance. Kostas was born and raised in Chicago, and he now lives in Queens, New York.
In the News
Other UDP titles from Kostas Anganopolous here
Publication Details
Special Edition
Broadside. 6.5 x 9 in
Publication Date: March 01 2010
Distribution: Direct Only