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Saint Ghetto of the Loans: Print
Gabriel Pomerand
July 2012
This poster-size letterpress print reproduces one of the rebus-like pages of a seminal work of French Lettrism, Saint Ghetto of the Loans (1950) by Gabriel Pomerand, a co-founder of this group of avant-garde writers, visual artists, filmmakers, and cabaret performers celebrated in postwar, Left Bank Paris. Saint Ghetto of the Loans is an early example of the Lettrist’s influential engagement with verbo-visual expression, later labeled “metagraphics.”
Edition of 30. 14.25″ x 20″. Letterpress.
UDP’s edition of Saint Ghetto of the Loans (translated by M. Kasper and Bhamati Viswanathan) was originally published in 2006 as the first book in the Lost Literature series; a revised and expanded second edition will be published in 2022. More info on the book here.
About the Author
In 1945, after wartime on the run and in the Resistance, Gabriel Pomerand (1925-1972) met the young Romanian refugee Isidore Isou and together they launched the Lettrist movement. They espoused a philosophy of constant creative renewal in which, among other things, letterforms were to be the basis, the underlying principle, of future artwork. Along with their followers, Pomerand and Isou instigated dozens of performances, exhibits, and publications in a decade-long burst of energy. Pomerand was the mouthpiece of the movement in its first years. He organized scandalous public lectures, gave reputedly remarkable performances of sound poetry, painted oils, and made an award-winning short movie. His prolific writing over the years included innovative artists books and novels, including Saint Ghetto of the Loans, 1950 (republished by UDP in 2006 with an English translation), as well as screenplays, cultural criticism, and book reviews.
Every 20th century art movement has certain works that acquire mythic status by their combination of idiosyncratic oddity and rarity. This fascinating work has mainly been known through reproduction of a handful of its pages and this exciting republication will finally bring attention to this amazing piece of graphic experimental writing.
Johanna Drucker
Publication Details
Letterpress Print. 1 pp, 14.25 x 20 in
Publication Date: July 01 2012
Distribution: Direct Only
Series: Lost Literature