bring it on
I’ll unite with it
bring on all the ones
I’ll unite with
bring on all the ones
I’ll be uniting with
all the ones for including
I’ll expand out to include
bring on all the ones
I’ll find my hope in
all the ones for finding
I’ll find my sparks of hope in
it’ll be them
the ones
the ones I see that it dawns in
my sparks of hope
the ones I find my sparks of hope dawning in
the ones for the dawning

The Best of My Love
Aaron Kiely
January 2005
This is a wonderful book.
Joseph Lease
About the Author
Aaron Kiely founded and ran the Boston Poetry Conference from 1998-2000 (readers and panelists included Robert Creeley, Anne Waldman, and many others). His first book, The Best of My Love (UDP, 2005) was reviewed in The Colorado Review, The Boston Review, Rain Taxi, and Small Press Traffic. Kiely edited Torch, a magazine of poetry and visual art, from 2002-2013.
Aaron Kiely's poems take the right risks. They explore repetition and variation with gorgeous grace. They astonish and challenge us to live up to the meaning of our nimble believing. This is a wonderful book.
Joseph Lease
Like a scene out of an independent movie, Kiely’s poetry presents a study of suburban desperation and psychic violence made all the more powerful by the quietness of its terms.
Brian Kim Stefans, The Boston Review
In the News
Publication Details
ISBN: 978-1-933254-12-8
Trade Paperback
Perfect-bound. 48 pp, 6.5 x 8.75 in
Publication Date: January 01 2005
Distribution: SPD