How to make TENDER BUTTONS itch

The Ridgefield Gazook
Man Ray
November 2017
The Ridgefield Gazook is a letterpress facsimile of a satirical magazine (perhaps the original “zine”) conceived by Man Ray. On March 31st 1915, Man Ray created a one-off, four-page, hand-drawn maquette on a single sheet of paper, never to be copied or reproduced. Man Ray sold the maquette to the photographer Arnold Crane, who then lent it to the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C. After the maquette was shown in a retrospective of Man Ray’s work, it was never to be seen again, rumored to have been accidentally tossed away as rubbish. The only record of the magazine is a photograph taken by Crane and an Italian facsimile reprint (Roma: G. Mazzotta, 1970) reproduced from the photograph. Our facsimile is based on the Italian publication.
The Ridgefield Gazook is included in The Blind Man box set, a 100th Anniversary Facsimile edition of the classic New York Dada magazine. It can be found here.
About the Author
"The irreverent pamphlet features a drawing of copulating insects captioned 'The Cosmic Urge' and pokes fun at other poets and artists. The exclamation 'Je m'en fiche!!' (I don't care!!) right beneath a big black square with the words 'CENSORED' is exemplary of its mischievous spirit."
Sophie Seita
Publication Details
Folded Broadsheet. 4 pp, 4.5 x 7.25 in
Publication Date: November 01 2017
Distribution: Direct Only
Series: Lost Literature