Crimen Lechero / Milk Crime
Bogotá, 1979
The Colectivo de Acciones de Arte (C.A.D.A) in Chile invited me to participate in a project called Para No Morir de Hambre en el Arte (To Not Die of Hunger in the Arts) that would be realized simultaneously in Santiago, Toronto, and Bogotá. At the time Bogotá was enduring el crimen lechero (the milk crime), where merchants added paint to milk in order to increase profits, resulting in the death of 1,920 children. And the government was doing nothing about it. Around the city, I announced on posters the spilling of a glass of milk in front of the Quinta de Simón Bolívar. Twelve people attended. I spilled a glass of white paint on the sidewalk and wrote the poem on the pavement.