Yanko González
Yanko González is a poet and Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Universidad Austral de Chile. His works include de Metales Pesados, Héroes Civiles y Santos Laicos -entrevistas a escritores chilenos-, Alto Volta, Elabuga y Objetivo General. González also co-edited the poetry anthologies Carne fresca: poesía chilena reciente and ZurDos: Última poesía latinoamericana. In addition, his poems have appeared in multiple Chilean and Latin American Poetry anthologies, including Cuerpo plural: Antología de la poesía hispanoamericana contemporánea, The Alteration of Silence: Recent Chilean Poetry, and Ultima poesia chilena. In 2007, González received the Chilean Critics Award for the best poetry book for Alto Volta. His work has been translated into French, English, German and Dutch.